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The Bowling Season Is Here

            For most of us, the last time we took a look a look at our bowling equipment was when we put it in our bags last April.  The beginning of the new season is an excellent time to take a trip to your pro shop professional and have your equipment evaluated.

            Most of us know the importance of having our finger inserts replaced on a regular basis and having our bowling balls maintained through regular cleaning, oil extraction and refinishing, but when was the last time you had your grip evaluated?  As we age, flexibility in our hands changes and every few years, it’s a good idea to have a grip analysis to see if any span or pitch changes are needed.  If you have made any changes in your physical game, that could also require a new look at your ball fit.  Quite often, I have seen players make significant changes in their ball fit after taking lessons or attending a clinic or camp.  The more fluid and effortless a bowler can make their approach, swing and release, the less grip pressure they are going to use. If a bowler has a more controlled approach and swing, they are going to use more grip pressure.  Certain wrist supports can also change your ball fit.

So, if you have recently started wearing a wrist support or have taken one off you may want to see if it has changed the way your hand lays in the ball.

            An often over looked piece of equipment that has a significant impact on our game is our bowling shoes.  It is critical for a bowler too have their legs and core in a strong leveraged position at the finish position.  If our shoes are in poor shape, it can have a dramatically negative impact on our finish position.  A few years ago, I was giving a lesson to a high skill youth player who was having problems maintaining balance. This was very unusual for this player and after watching his timing and approach I was stumped.  Everything looked perfect in his approach.  The player was a power player who planted with his heel, so I took a look at his shoe (Dexter SST 5) and his heel was completely worn out.  I put a new heel on and he Immediately had balance.  So be sure to check out the shape of your shoes.

            I have traveled across the country and to Europe teaching bowling clinics and camps and can say with confidence that Minnesota bowlers are very fortunate to have a high number of professional pro shop operators.

Developing a positive relationship with your local pro shop operator who can help you with your equipment needs is of critical importance for bowlers of all skill levels.  I hope everyone has a successful and enjoyable season.