The 2006-07 season must be just around the corner.
What makes me say that?
The reason is that we just received two Hall of Fame ballots in the mail. The first to arrive was from the Minnesota State USBC (you know what that means, so I won't spell it out) Bowling Association, Inc.
There are five men in each catagory. The Superior Performance group includes Paul Aarestad of Burnsville; Brian Floen of Rochester, Dave Lutz, formerly of the Twin Cities but now residing in Pine City, Brad Subak of St. Anthony and Jim Wynne of Bemidji. The latter is a former St. Paul area bowler.
In the Meritorious Service catagory we have Larry Anderson of Duluth, Bill Eckhardt (formerly of Stillwater but now living in Scottsdale Az.), Pat Holseth of Golden Valley, John Young Jr. of Hawley and Tom Corbett of Brooklyn Park. Corbett could have been nominated for Superior performance, as well.
The St. Paul Bowling Hall of Fame canditates are in four groupings; Men's and Women's in Superior Performance, Meritorious Service and Pioneers.
In the Men's Superior Performance listing are Rory Anderson, Jerry Loomis, Brad Subak, Allen Walk and Rich Warren.
The Women's Superior Performance group has Barbara Anderson, Paulette Genz and Marie (Mimi) Krey.
There are six candidates in both Meritorious Service and Pioneers. The former lists Carol Edwards, Charlie Hall, Marleen Jorgenson, Harold Kapaun, Gail Ugro and Ed Vanek. Those in the Pioneers group include Joan Griep, Clarence (Boots) Kren, Len Mroszak, Duane (Pizza) Perrizo, Lolly Tschida (Fowser) and John Wandmacher. The latter is the only deceased candidate.
The State Hall ballots are due in September, while the St. Paul ballots are to be postmarked by Sept. 15. The State Hall members will be inducted next spring, while the St. Paul honorees will be inducted at the Bowlers Recognition dinner at the Prom Ballroom in Oakdale on Sunday, Oct. 29.
BWAA, NWBW to Merge
The Bowling Writers Association of America (BWAA) and the National Women Bowling Writers (NWBW) voted on June 26 at the Bowling Expo in Las Vegas, Nev. to merge. The new organization, which retains BWAA as it's name, becomes effective Jan. 1, 2007.
There was a general agreementthat all men and women who promote the sport and provide information for their readers should be in one organization. Radio and TV broadcasters are also members of the BWAA.
The terms of office will be Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, which also becomes the organization's fiscal year.
Three Men Honored
During the BWAA convention, three well known bowlers were honored. They include, Carmen Salvino of Chicago with the John O. Martina award; Al Matzelle of Greendale, Wisc. with the Rip Van Winkle award, and Joe Gennaro of Dallas with the Mort Luby Sr. hall of Fame award. Some 200 writers attended the Columbia 300 dinner.
Bob's Past Articles
Property of Max Bowling, Inc.
Reproduction without written permission is prohibited
Photo of Bob Schabert courtesy of the St. Paul Pioneer Press
Used by permission