Tournament Special Awards
It's tournament time once again
And we'd like to mention the various awards that are given for the many tournaments. These awards are for the various people, male and female, that have contributed to the tenpin game over many years.
Some tournaments have three awards, both scratch and handicap, some have only one and many don't have any awards given out. The St. Paul Men's and St. Paul Women's meet along with the Minnesota State Hall of Fame have three such honorariums.
St Paul Men's City
DODOR AWARD--- Given to the bowler with the highest scratch (actual) series in the team event. It is in honor of George Dodor who served on the St. Paul Board for 25 years and was treasurer from 1946 to 1964. It was established in 1965-1966.
NOONAN AWARD--- This was given to the bowler with the highest series, including handicap, in any of three events--team, doubles or singles. It honors Jerry Noonan a past president of the association in 1944-1945 and served as secretary of the association from 1945 through 1958. The award originated in 1958-59.
SCHABERT AWARD--- Presented to the five members of a team which had the highest combined total of actual team, doubles and singles scores. Originated in 2002 for both A and B (Div. 1 & 2). Named in honor of Bob Schabert, past president Bowling Writers Association of America (1963), past president MN's State (1967) and bowling writer for Pioneer Press/Dispatch for over 50 years.
St Paul Women's City
ECK AWARD--- Given to the scratch (actual) all events winner for her nine games in team, doubles and singles. Award is given to the 2 division winners, and originated in 1999-2000. Named in honor of Arlene Eck. She was secretary of St. Paul WBA for 30 years from 1969 through 1999.
MCBRIDE AWARD--- Awarded to bowlers who posts high scratch game in team event. Named in honor of Bertha (Bert) McBride, who served as St. Paul WBA President from 1941-1946. She organized Minnesota Women's State Secretary and served as 3rd vice-president of WIBC for many years. The award originated in 1978-79.
PECHACEK AWARD--- This award is given to the bowler with high scratch series in the team event. Named in honor of Virginia Pechacek, who was the seventh president of St. Paul WBA, serving from 1972 to 1980. She also served as secretary of St. Paul Hall of Fame for seven years. She was a member of Minnesota Women's BA for several years and member of Minnesota Bowling Council. Award originated in 1980-81.
Minnesota State Men's
BEYER AWARD--- Goes to the bowler with highest series, with handicap, in any event of tourney--team, doubles or singles. Named in honor of Elmer Beyer of St. Paul. Award originated in 1997. Beyer served as secretary-treasurer of state board from 1976 to 1981 and as Executive Director from 1993 through 1998. He was president of St. Paul BA in 1956-57 and was secretary of same from 1961-1985.
HENGEN AWARD--- This is for bowler who posts the highest scratch series in the team event and originated in 1997. Named after William (Bill) Hengen of Minneapolis, who served as secretary of MMBA from 1955 to 1963 and treasurer of same from 1967 to 1970. He was on state board from 1947 through 2003.
TESSMAN AWARD--- This is for the five members of the teams (A & B) who have the highest combined total of scratch team, double and signles. It originated in 2000. It is named after brothers, Roger and Jerry, both of whom held national ABC offices. Roger was secretary of the St. Paul BA in 1958-61 and orignated the St. Paul average book. He later served as ABC Executive in Milwaukee and one term as president of FIQ. Jerry served as St. Paul treasurer from 1970 thru 1986 and was ABC president in 1998-99. Roger was president of St. Paul BA in 1957-58 and Jerry served same capacity in 1968-69.
St. Paul Senior Mixed Doubles
LORENZ-VACEK AWARD--- This award is named in honor of Bill Lorenz and Diane Vacek and is awarded to the top male and female bowlers in the singles event who post the highest series in singles, with handicap.
St. Paul 600 Tourney
600 CLUB AWARD--- To bowler with highest series, with handicap, in tourney.
PERCHACEK AWARD--- Goes to the bowler who posts highest scratch game in tourney.
Minneapolis 600 Club
LU ROEHLE AWARD--- This is for the bowler with highest scratch game in tourney.
Minneapolis 500 Club
VIGNESS AWARD--- For the bowler with the high scratch game in tourney. Named in honor of Rosie Vigness who served many years on the Minneapolis WBA board.
HINTZ AWARD--- Named in honor of Barb Hintz, another Minneapolis WBA member, the award goes to the bowler with high scratch series in tourney.
There are no awards given in the Minneapolis Men's or Women's tournaments or the Minnesota Women's State tournament. There are no special awards in the St. Paul 700 Club tourney.
Ten of the above named bowlers are in the St. Paul Bowling Hall of Fame, and eight of the ten are in two Halls. They include Beyer (1974), Dodor ('66), Eck ('69), Lorenz ('92), McBride ('64), Noonan ('63), Pachacek ('78), Schabert ('75), J Tessman ('91) and R. Tessman ('95).
Roger tessman is in the ABC Hall while Beyer ('91), Schabert ('93) and J. Tessman ('96) are in the Men's State Hall. Hengen ('90) is a member of the Men's State and Minneapolis Men's City Halls. Eck, McBride and Pechacek are all members of the Minnesota Women's State Hall.
Bob's Past Articles
Property of Max Bowling, Inc.
Reproduction without written permission is prohibited
Photo of Bob Schabert courtesy of the St. Paul Pioneer Press
Used by permission