MSC Format
The MSC is a senior (50+years) scratch bowling group that has as it's format the following .....
One day, same day payout
Payout 1 for 2 Super Seniors (59+) payout 1 for 2
super duper seniors (65+) payout 1 for 2
8 match games with the 8th game position round
A stepladder final (with the top 4or 5, plus the high super senior)
and one SDS placed in stepladder if there are 8 entries
Entry Fee for the '09-'10 season is $85 with $5 of each tournament going into the year end prize fund.
There are no dress codes, just recommendations. Names should be on the back of shirt. Jeans and shorts are not advised
Brackets & Pots are also provided
Any questions or comments about this site, please e-mail Tom Havlish
Jim Wynne 218.759.1723 |